The Relationship
Success Equation ™
From Blah to Bliss:
The expert system to dramatically improve your love relationship fast!

Bring back the Warmth, Intimacy and
Partnership into Your Marriage...
Find Married Love Success™!
Book a complimentary "Fix Your Relationship" Session with me Here
Start TODAY on a path from Blah to Bliss!
Learn how to make your marriage or love relationship extraordinary!
"I am happy, everyday, with my husband of over 30 years!
This was not always the case...I was a lot like you. If you
want to know a way out of misery, let's talk"

I was an overworked doctor, trying to balance work and raising a family...
Before I CREATED the system of love success...
It was hard being a mom, working insane hours, and trying to have a life as a couple. Yep, that last part fell by the wayside...and we both were unhappy.

Now: why relationship success equation?
As you may have guessed from my background, I am a bit of a science geek.
But, imagine an old-fashioned scale, like the scales of justice.
If one side changes, the other must too.
In other words: Even if only one partner participates, the magic of Transformation can happen!
What Others Say
"Nothing has worked for me like this!"
Where do I begin, NeuroYouth™, Wow! Such a simple exercise, such powerful results. The way Irena taught me this exercise was easy, and productive. Honestly, I've worked with many different modalities and they have been helpful and have cleared a few things. I was not prepared for this, nothing has worked like this for me. Not only did things come up that I'd been suppressing for a long time, it left my body in a physically noticeable form (bad bad yuck from my throat that would have cleared a room--as if I had passed gas--came out of my mouth). I'm doing the exercise she taught me for the next 28 days, it's been four days and I have more energy and clarity (I may glow in the dark at the end of the 28 days!).
Thank you so much, Irena! Thank you!

Kimmie Kay
/ Holistic Healing Coach
"One session removed my fear of heights!"
"The NeuroYouth™ technique is wonderful! Let Irena's magic work for you..."

Liliana Rogers
/ Empowerment Coach
"I went into the weekend with no expectation, but to reignite our connection and discover the love we have for each other. Success!"
Irena, Thank you so much for your amazing coaching session today! You assisted me with discovering emotional attachments to deep rooted beliefs I have not been able to unearth on my own. I went into the weekend with no expectation, but to reignite our connection and discover the love we have for each other. Success! I see the great value in your coaching and have experienced firsthand the shift in my life that is the direct result of the growth I have achieved.
Thank you!
With much gratitude and love

Amanda Bucklaschuk
/ Entrepreneur
Now, how does NeuroYouth™ work?
NeuroYouth ™ is a combination of my own proprietary form of Tapping (aka the Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT) that has been used successfully since 2001 to treat even PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) AND guided meditation based on the processes of the Law of Attraction, as well as on mind/ brain techniques used for high-performing athletes.
NeuroYouth requires NO Medication, NO diagnosis, NO lengthy therapy, and NO disclosure. Clients can learn the technique and administer it themselves.

Dr. Irena Kay
My mission is to empower women to live a life of happiness and fulfillment with their spouse or partner. Yes, empower, because there is actually a choice! YOU CAN choose to be happy in your relationships!
I am living in love and happiness for years now, every day.
And I can show you how.
I guarantee you'll have a transformation. I have a 100% success rate.
Let's talk to get you started on the path to fulfillment!

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